The other day I was watching a soap opera and in the soap opera a character had a split personality. Meaning it was the same person but this person had different personalities. One of the personalities was the good girl and the other was the bad girl. When ever stress or difficult situations would arise the bad girl would come out and handle the stress she is the keeper, the bold one, the strong one, the one that takes all the garbage people dish out with a frown and dishes it right back. While the good girl is this angel like nice girl who would rather die than hurt anyone's feelings. I feel it is important to write about this topic because in my walk with God I find myself making mistakes everyday. I wonder when will I be this perfect Christian passing out bible tracks with out a worry in the world. I have gone through so many trials and tribulations that I felt, now I can take my rest. Not only did I take up a fight but persecution along with it. Trial, error and a list of other things. The battle went from the physical to the mental the mind is a tricky thing which needs no help driving its self crazy. Sometimes we as humans can create things on our own just with or minds. "It is a battle field of the mind" but I am so glad that I have Jesus to cast all my cares upon. In the splitting of a personality I don't really think it is split at all I think that the two make up one. One just picks up what the other cant handle. I n this walk with Christ it wont be easy we don't need to play tuff this world will surely rip us apart. Thessalonians 3:3 "but the lord is faithful, who shall stablish you and keep you from evil. In the world hurt breeds hurt and this leads to sin and death and a everlasting vicious cycle of hate but through Christ there is love to look past faults and give your enemy to god vengeance is the lords. I recognize that I am not perfect I have to guard my mouth everyday from dishing out those fleshy feel good words. I thank God that the difference is now I know a difference before I did not care. Good fruit brings forth good fruit I pray that someone may receive a blessing from Gods word.
Deaconess E
Think on this one... 2nd Corinthinas 12:9 ...for My strength is made perfect in weakness. God doesn't want us to "split" He just wants us to know when to step back and let Him do His job. Our weaknesses allow His mighty strength to show through. Anytime we are faced with a task we KNOW we cannot handle if we let God BE God then we have the opportunity to tell others "Of COURSE I didn't do it- GOD did!"
The flesh and spirit are always fighting over control for your body and mind but in the Bible it says walking in the spirit will not fufill the desires of the flesh. How do you make sure that the spirit reigns control when your flesh wants to take over? By doing the fruits of the spirit which in essence is living and walking in love. (Galatians 5:16-22)
BTW Thank you for those very kind comments you left at my blog
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