Thursday, July 19, 2007

Proverbs 13:3 states " He that keepth his mouth keepth his life: but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction.

This message speaks clearly to me because before Jesus came into my life I pretty much said what I wanted to say and did what I wanted to do. I liked hitting people where it hurts when they offended me first (which does not make it right) and usually this is a reflection of what was done to me as a child. I loved my earthly father to death but he had a way with words. My dad could say somethings that will have you begging and crying for mercy. You could talk to my dad and he could tell you your weakness. God gives us gifts, you can use it for the glory of GOD or you can use it to glorify Satan. All that I learned I have to unlearn. My father was not the only one. I am sure that there are alot of family members that everyone of us can pick that was the family trouble maker, Gossiper, tale barrier. In proverbs 6:16 the lords clearly states that he HATES these things and they are a abomination to him. I love my savior so much that would never want to do anything that he detests or hates but sometimes we sin and we don't even know it. Jesus is the reason! and he should be the reason why we should check our behavior according to his word. The bible is here for a reason. Apply it to your life. Instead of using our tongue to hurt people we should be uplifting and bearing the fruits of the spirit. God knows best and if he hates sin it is for a reason. We must always remember to pray and ask God to help us, ask the holy spirit to guide us. We must be mindful of the tongue. Life and death is in the power of the tongue. I am guilty of saying things to my loved ones. My son at seven years old is quick to remind me that I have God in my heart. "watch your tongue mommy"My daughter is quick to tell people that we love the lord. It makes me proud to know that the most important thing in my family is GOD. We Can be a real family that loves GOD not just on Sunday but through out the whole week.We all need to ask God to help us apply the fruit of temperance to our lives. We ought to pray that others will apply this important fruit to there lives. "Praise Him"


At 7:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said! You KNOW you've done something right when your children can put you in check for the Lord!


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