Sunday, October 07, 2007

I am reading the book of Isaiah. The lord is speaking to Jerusalem about their wicked ways. chapter1:4 "states that they are a sinful nation, laden with iniquity, evil doers". Our lord Jehovah puts great emphasis on repenting he just does not spit hell fire and damnation but he later states in 1:16 "wash your hands and make you clean put away your the evil doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil". We have a God that does not want us to perish he is concerned about you. God would not have it that we all die. The lord wants us to live and have life in abundance. God is most definitely a protector he knows what lies ahead if we continue to sin and not repent.The lord asks us to "reason together though your sins be a red as scarlet they shall be white as snow"Isaiah1:18. God is a direct God! he makes his intentions clear. God never leaves us just to wallow in sin he always offers a better way.Then its up to us to choose the better way. I asked or questioned the lord as to why he choose the Jewish faith. The lord chose the people of Israel to be an example to the world so that his light would shine through the world to extend to the nations. The people failed to do this thing the lord had asked. In the book of Isaiah the lord is warning us even today to change our ways. God loves us and we are his beloved. People can not change if they are pacified into thinking that sin is okay. Its time out for the church pacifying folks because they may lose some members. Ten times out if ten if they are not living a holy life and striving to reach the high mark in Christ they can only hold others down that are striving. Prayer changes things we must pray for one another in faith that God will iron out the wrinkles in our lives. The bible states all are like sheep and have gone astray. Therefore Jesus is the reason to press on. Confess, repent , and ask forgiveness. If we confess he is sure to forgive us. AMEN!


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