Sunday, August 23, 2009

Matthew 15:11

Not what goes into a mans mouth that defiles a man:but what comes out of the mouth that defiles a man.

I was having a conversation this past Saturday and you know the old debate to eat pork or not to eat pork? You had some folks who would not eat pork because of religious purposes. Then you had the other ones who felt why abstain from pork when you indulge in sin everyday? To eat pork or no to eat pork? I believe that the mouth is the dirtiest part of the body. Some of us say don't eat pork however the NYC sewer system is 100% cleaner than the mouths that sit on our faces. Why look at the pig and call him a dirty animal when if fact we turn our backs on our brothers and sisters and yet God still shows us mercy and grace everyday. What does eating pork have to do with our judgemental attitude towards each other, taking things and people that don't belong to us, and we call ourselves righteous. I beg to differ! Jesus said it himself "Hypocrites" the people draw near to me with their mouths, and honor me with their lips but their heart is far from me and in vain they worship me. Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men" Jesus came not to take away from the law but to add to it. To fulfill the prophesy of the old testament. In the old testament the people followed the law but neglected a personal relationship with God . Obedience is better than sacrifice! To follow the law and lose your soul is not what God desires. Yet, we are to obey the laws of the land. Laws are made to govern the people but he who worships the law More than the law maker, he who loves the creation more then the Creator is wrong. Love God with your whole heart. Its a pigs desire to love slop. Yet some of us claim to be holy and wallow in slop all day on the telephone, when someone ticks us off at work , when people cut us off when we are driving. The pig knows where he belongs its his nature what is our excuse? Guilty , Guilty, Guilty I am guilty, we are guilty of all of these things. However, we should repent and be healed. Its our desire to worship and adore him. To eat pork or no to eat pork is your personal choice. Everyday we eat, and say things that may not be good for us, however we should watch what comes out of our mouth because we will be judged according to our words.

Be Blessed


At 11:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spot on as usual.
Sounds like another sermon.
Sorry I missed you guys today.

At 8:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, That is so true. This was a great entry!


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