Monday, October 31, 2005

I cannot believe the blessings that you have bestowed upon me. Like a theif in the night your grace has molded me. In the flesh I make mistakes and because of this I denied you. I thought that only the perfect worshipped you. Perfect is not what I want to be even in the flesh. I want to continue to learn so that I can be made into a image like you. My imperfections is how I will testify to your grace this will make my love for you real. Although I reach for you I continue to stumble and you continue to pick me up. Growing in your love but never ceasing to forget what you have brought me from. I have chosen your grace because it is imperfect and premeditated. I have chosen your mercy because no matter how much I mess up you contiune to clean up the mess we as humans tend to make of our lives. This blog of grace and mercy is dedicated to the one and only true lord who sent his only begotten son to die for our sins.