Thursday, February 23, 2006

I was thinking about the favor God gives those he loves. That is not to say that he does not love all of his children I just believe in GRACE. In the book of SAMUEL Hannah wept because she could not conceive. Hannah's husband was Elkanah and he had two wives Hannah and Peninnah. Hannah was bitter and hurt that she could not conceive. I could imagine that back in those days a woman that could not bear a child was looked upon as less than a woman. Despite this her husband loved her and gave her more that his other wife. Hannah prayed to God and the lord remebered her. Hannah bore SAMUEL who Hannah promised God that he would abide with GOD forever. I am strengthened by Hannahs belief she could have put her faith in the miracles workers of the times but she cried ou to God for a child. Samuel found GRACE in the lords eyes Samuel ministered in his childhood when the lord cried out " Samuel" and Samuel went to ELI the priest not knowing that it was God who had called him. How we are like SAMUEL in many ways, and in many ways we the imperfect have found favor in GODS eyes. SAMUEL 2:8 He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of Glory: for the pillars of the earth are the lords, and he hath set the world upon them.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I feel that I am growing in Gods Grace and Mercy. Continuing to look forward, asking God for forgiveness as I move along this journey of life. I am thinking about Paul and his journey Paul heard a voice from heaven which was Jesus. Jesus wanted to know why Paul persecuted him?When Paul asked who it was the voice stated "I am Jesus who thou persecutes: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks" (ACTS:4,5). I think about how often God called me and I heard his call but refused to answer because of unbelief. I could not believe that God wanted me, Why me when surely there are people out there much more worthy. God truly knows the heart of man even before man knows himself. I concentrated on my faults never examining my heart. I gave every excuse to God why I cant when all God wanted was " you can if you believe". I t was that simple but yet I thought that I had to become this tower of strength. I was tired and My God wanted me to take a rest. Cast your cares upon me it was that simple, I will make your weakness your strength, through Christ all things are possible. Why is it so hard to take all our burdens and lay them at Gods feet? He knows when we mess up even before we do. Yet it is so hard for us to call on him thank God for rescuing me from myself. I continue to testify to others the miracles God has made in my life. You can quote all the Bible scriptures in the world if God does not show true in your life it does not matter. I carry God around like I carry my children's pictures he is my jewel. Yet I am not perfect even my best is like filthy rags and that's OK with me because faith without works is dead. Works without faith is dead as well. Yet through Jesus who died for me" Yet I am Alive.