Friday, May 04, 2007

In bible college I had conflict with the teacher, the conflict was that the holy spirit is a person on his view. I stated that the holy spirit is a spirit that dwells with in you. We both agreed that the holy spirit has a personality that acts as a person, a spirit person not in the flesh but the spirit. The spirit act as a person guiding you and living in side of you. Which brings me to the topic of the Holy Spirit. Which is the comforter. What is a comforter? When I think on the word comforter I think about my mothers comfort when things went wrong in my life. I think about the comfort of a new born baby on behalf of the mother and the baby. A child is being comforted by the warmth of his mother and the mother is being comforted by the role of the comforter. The lord our savior is the comforter. I think about times when I am hurt and no comfort from the outside world can penetrate me. When I go to that quiet place that only GOD and I know there is the comforter. I can close my eyes and tell the lord I am tired. It is there that this spirit begins to feed me with the hidden manna. It is there that the spirit begins to minister to me the promises of my GOD. It is there that I cry with strong tears and supplications. It is there that I long to be with the Creator. It is there that nothing in this world not my husband, or children, not even my mother can comfort me. The comfort I am seeking can only come from the Creator. I long and depend on him to abide within me. Create in me a clean heart o lord! The time spent alone with God should increase and every Christan's life as we learn to depend on him and rely on him for everything in our lives. We sacrifice knowing our lives are not our own I was born to worship him. I was born to praise him. I was born to be comforted by him. I was born to magnify and glorify his Holy name. This is the will of the father that through the church sinners may become believers through our light. Which is the light of the father. Only through that relationship with God can we witness and testify in his name. It great to read the Bible but how can we witness to a God that we know nothing about. It's easy to read about being a parent but when you actually become one you are a witness to it. It s then that you can testify to the pain love and joy. Let Jesus come into your heart ask him to be your comforter. I n Matthew 16: 24-25 it states "Then Jesus said unto his disciples, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it! Amen