In the book of john 24:46 the Jew's surround Jesus and ask him tell us who you are? Jesus replie's I have told you so yet you don't believe me the works I do by the power of my father bear witness concerning me. It go's on to say that you do not believe me and trust and rely on me because you do not belong to my fold ( you are no sheep of mine)
Every day we as Christians come in contact with all types of people. All different types of spirits. If you look pass the flesh everyone has a spirit whether good or evil. Our walk of life includes rebuking, binding, and loosing in the name of Jesus. Jesus gave us the keys and the same power the disciples had so long ago is still alive through Christ Jesus and his precious holy spirit. I am learning so much about the structure that the church wants and very much needs to have. A church that is in disarray and in the midst of confusion is not what God desires. What about those that practice this structure to the littlest detail? those who believe in this religion based schema of things where they are to dignified for true praise. They believe God is this Judge to structured for praise. A controllable God with controlled subjects this is their interpretation of religion. The rapture of in between the lines has become so obsessive that if you shout" lord I love you" in the schema of things this is undignified. The bible talks about the river of living water that shall flow out of your belly.This river is not confined to the lines. There is a structure within the unstructured river that flows from Gods church. I love him ( Jesus) because he brakes through those barriers and cannot be contained in a box. Jesus is more than religion. When people ask me if I am religious I correct them by saying "I am spiritual" There is something about the spirit that's free. Unstructured but yet structured by God. No church leader can lay a finger on what God has ordained I don't care how many Pharisees come your way. Oh yes! there are modern day Pharisees that believe its all about them and what they want.There will come a day when those Pharisees will stand before the king and it will be proclaimed to them because you did not trust and rely on me you do not belong to my fold, you are no sheep of mine!